Is That Fair?

Before writing this, I need up to 20 minutes taking a  deep breath.

Assalamualaikum Khill…

You may think why I  write this letter, not to tell you directly.
Honestly, I never expect to write the second letter after that bad day  previously  (You know what actually I mean by saying this). It hurts me. Again and again!
You know, I always hate to write a letter to you, because  it means there is something I couldn’t explain by verbal words.

Khiil, what do you think?

What do you think if unknown guy  send an awkward message to you, telling you a bad side of your beloved one?

Not to say, I believe totally on what he is trying to tell me. Not.
I prefer to believe in you as I strongly convince that you are never betrays me anymore.
But, what actually his intention to tell me that things? There is always a strong  reason behind that all.
Not to mention, he is may envy to us, or even he hates one of us. I don’t even understand.

Khill, is that fair?

Is that fair if I always boast you in front of my friends while  you never  count me as a part of you? Am I nothing to you? Isn’t it?

Is that fair khill?

Is that fair if someone strange blame me for  things  I never understand the rightness?

In turn, I never hope you to answer those questions.
All I need are just telling you my feeling in which sometimes remains me in a deep pain. 

Bebanku sudah banyak, mohon jangan di tambah...



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